MEMBERSHIP NEWS You did it Again! Thirty-one thousand one hundred eighteen members! Again this year, the “double Your Membership” and “Refer 10” participants set the pace for an amazing nsbE membership drive. The national Executive board, World Headquarters staff and NSBE Magazine salute the chapters and individuals who met or exceeded the goals of these initiatives. And we give a big “Congratulations!!!” to the prize winners of our membership drive drawings. 2007–08 dOuBLE YOuR MEMBERSHIp ENTRANTS CHApTER A-MAn saturday science Academy nsbE Jr. boston latin school nsbE Jr. College of new Jersey Kentucky state university Marquette university Mercer university Metro Richmond nsbE Jr. northwestern university Oklahoma state university san Antonio Alumni san Antonio City Wide nsbE Jr. south Carolina state university southern illinois university – Edwardsville Tullahoma High school nsbE Jr. university of Alabama – Tuscaloosa nsbE Jr. university of Kentucky university of Mississippi university of north Texas university of Texas – El Paso university of Texas – dallas university of Windsor West Michigan Alumni Extension Wichita, Kan. Alumni university of benin demonstration secondary school nsbE Jr. George Washington university Georgia state university Wright state university Florida international university • MEMBER COuNT pERCENTAGE INCREASE 100% 117% 127% 3700% 100% 118% 1700% 160% 293% 600% 235% 248% 183% 141% 4167% 346% 250% 163% 300% 371% 3500% 1000% 900% 1600% 100% 119% 100% 103% CONTINuEd ON PAgE 18 november/december 2008 • 17
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NSBE - November/December 2008