2011 ILNY Travel Guide - (Page 32)

ART+CULTURE From classical to cutting-edge, art, music and theater captivate audiences from around the world. Connect with the joyous energy of cultural celebrations—amid magnificent architecture and inspiring landscapes across New York. Inside Art New York’s art museums range from palatial galleries like the Metropolitan Museum of Art, in New York City, to intimate settings like the Pollock-Krasner House on Long Island. Step into art history with a tour of Jackson Pollock’s studio. Wearing a pair of guest slippers, you can walk across the paint-splattered floor of the undisputed leader of the Abstract Expressionist movement. Along with paintings by Pollock and his wife Lee Krasner, the restored farmhouse Amid its picturesque farmland, Central New York holds an astonishing amount of world-class art and architecture. Collections at the Munson-WilliamsProctor Arts Institute in Utica and the Arkell Museum in Museum Mile, the upper Canajoharie feature leading stretch of Fifth Avenue in 19th- and 20th-century American Manhattan, may have more painters, from Thomas Cole to cultural treasures per square Georgia O’Keeffe and Andy foot than any other place on Warhol. Hyde Hall, an 1817 house TM Earth. Ten iconic museums iloveny.com/culture museum near Cooperstown, is range from the Frick considered one of the finest examples Collection to the Guggenheim. The new of neoclassical architecture in the US. Museum for African Art is scheduled to open on the mile in late 2011. presents contemporary exhibits and family programs. To get there, you’ll travel through the colorful countryside that inspired Jackson Pollock and changed his art. GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM NEW YORK CITY POLLOCK-KRASNER HOUSE AND STUDY CENTER, EAST HAMPTON BB KINGS BLUES CLUB, NEW YORK CITY OLANA STATE HISTORIC SITE, HUDSON http://www.iloveny.com/culture

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2011 ILNY Travel Guide

2011 ILNY Travel Guide
11 Vacation Regions
Getaway Ideas
Green Heart NY
Unique Lodging
Regional Attractions
Events Calendar
Outdoor Resources
Regional Travel Information
New York State Map

2011 ILNY Travel Guide
