Diving Operations All motorboat operators should be aware of the two flags which indicate the presence of divers in the water. The official blue and white Alpha Flag flown from a vessel is the internationally recognized indicator of dive activity in the water. Any vessel displaying the Alpha flag is to be considered restricted in its ability to maneuver and should be afforded the right of way. The other flag, "diver down", which is prescribed by the state, is a red flag with a white diagonal stripe. This flag should be attached to a float to indicate the diver's presence. Under no circumstances should a vessel approach within 100 feet of any craft or object displaying either flag. Divers should be aware that it is illegal to disturb any underwater archeological site and/or remove any artifacts without a state issued permit. Dams and Spillways One of the greatest potential dangers to any boater on inland rivers and streams are lowhead dams. The lowhead dam is particularly dangerous because it isn't well recognized as a potential death trap. The principal purpose of any lowhead dam is to maintain a minimum upstream water level above the dam. The typical drop off at a lowhead dam is deceptively small, however the power of the water going over the dam at any given moment can be very large. The unwary boater may think it safe to shoot 55