THOMPSON'S LAKE & THACHER STATE PARK 139 Sites | 518.872.1674 Thompson's Lake and Thacher State Park are just about 17 miles southwest of Albany at the Helderberg Escarpment. At the Thompson's Lake Campground on Thompson's Lake Road, you can camp, swim, boat, fish, hike nature trails, play on the playground, ball fields and more. At John Boyd Thacher State Park on Thacher Park Road, visitors can enjoy spectacular views from the high cliffs of the escarpment and can hike the historic Indian Ladder Trail. As you descend the cliff face you will see one of the richest fossil-bearing formations in the world. The park's Emma Treadwell Thacher Nature Center adjoining the campground provides a variety of interesting exhibits and interactive environmental programs for children. Enjoy the breathtaking views of mountains and valleys, or just sit back and relax at any number of scenic picnic areas. 96 | newyorkstateparks.reserveamerica.com