Chris Christini's philosophy is simple, "one restaurant in one location, serving the highest quality cuisine, the best service and an inviting atmosphere in which to enjoy it." CIT Y PRICE RANGE G CAPA SEATIN MS N CEPTIO E ROO PRIVAT UM RE MAXIM NQUET UM BA MAXIM T RESER V RECOM ATIONS MENDE D TAKEO U TAINM E ENTER AR FULL B R DINNE LU N C H BREAK FAST NT DINING Private Grand Finale Room - Seats 54 - Valet Parking * Live Accordion Italian art and strolling musicians grace the elegant and romantic dining room. A rose to each lady typifies Christini's charm. Christini's unsurpassed service and attention to detail is legendary in the restaurant industry. Complimentary Transportation for Group of 10 and More 7600 Dr. Phillips Blvd., #84 * Orlando, FL 32819 Dining Final 19.indd 191 407.545.6867 191 2019/4/26 9:54 AM