ACCESSORIES THE STORE POSTED A SIMILAR LISTATTHE FRONT COUNTER AND ALSO OFFERED A 10-PERCENT DISCOUNT FOR HURRICANE EVACUEES WHO HAD TEMPORARILY RELOCATED TO CARRBORO. COLLABORATION Be it working with a local brewer on a jointly branded beer or hosting a storytelling series with the non-profit group The Monti, Bertram says collaborating with the community at-large is vital to TB&C's success. "I seek partnerships that are tangential to the outdoor industry. If I'm always working with people who have the same customers, we're not really expanding our reach." COMPANY CULTURE "The main thing we do is encourage staff to be themselves," says Bertram. "It's not about making a sale. It's about making an authentic connection. The ROI on that is invaluable." O.R. STORM SELLER Betsy Bertram used the same emergency list she gave rental tenants for customers in her shop.