A COnTInUInG REVIEW OF InTERESTInG OUT-OF-HOME VIDEO Subway Swirl It's a magical wind that blows through the odenplan underground station in central Stockholm - especially when a kiosk shampoo ad comes to life as trains roll down the line. Client: apotek Hjärtat Agency: akestam Holst Production: Stopp Seen something worth sharing? Send a link to OOHmedia@outofhomemag.biz Wild in the Streets Pepsi Max took this issue's Viraltastic award with a distorted reality theme at a london bus shelter. Caution: objects may not be what they seem. Client: Pepsi Max Agency: aMV BBdo Outdoor Buying Agency: talon outdoor 42 | out of home magazine | may | june 2014 All Together Now duracell's bus shelter in Montreal offers plenty of warmth on a cold day - but riders need to work together to bring on the heat. Client: duracell (Canada) Agency: Cossette oohinmotion