Spirit Magazine - March 2014 - (Page 143)

En todos los casos, por favor rígete por los anuncios públicos y las solicitudes de los Sobrecargos con respecto a todos los aparatos electrónicos. Always Permitted Pueden usarse en todo momento dentro del avión Pacemakers Marcapasos Hearing Aids Aparatos para sordos Electronic Watches Relojes electrónicos Noise-canceling Headphones Auriculares que aislan el ruido Digital Cameras Cámaras digitales Audio Players Aparatos de audio Video Camcorders Videocámaras GPS Receivers GPS DVD/CD Players Reproductores de DVD/CD Hand-held Electronic Games and Electronic Books Juegos electrónicos portátiles y libros electrónicos Cellphones (in GAME or AIRPLANE mode) Teléfonos celulares (en Modo GAME o Avión) Tablets or E-readers (in AIRPLANE mode) Tabletas o Lectores Electrónicos (en Modo Avión) Satellite Radio Radio por satélite Laptop Computers Computadoras portátiles Two-way Radios (Walkie-talkies) or Scanners Radios emisores/receptores (walkie-talkies) Electronic Cigarettes and Smoking Devices Cigarrillos Electrónicos y Dispositivos para Fumar + Also Permitted: Electronic nerve stimulators and other implanted medical devices También son permitidos: dispositivos de estimulación eléctrica de los nervios y otros aparatos médicos implantados Flight Service Please abide by public announcements from Flight Attendants concerning electronic devices. Permitted Pueden usarse dentro del avión Small portable electronic devices (PEDs) such as tablets, e-readers, and smartphones weighing less than 2 pounds may be used in airplane mode at all times on domestic flights, unless a Crew Member indicates otherwise. A small PED may be held in hand, attached to a person, or placed in clothing or a seatback pocket. Devices and accessories may not block access to the aisle. Large PEDs such as laptops weighing 2 pounds or more must be stowed under the seat or in an overhead bin for taxi, takeoff, and landing. On International Flights, all PEDs must be turned off during taxi, takeoff, and landing at airports outside the U.S. and its territories. Please use headphones for all audio and video. Never Permitted Nunca pueden usarse dentro del avión Devices capable of transmitting data, unless otherwise noted, are never permitted. Nunca son permitidos los dispositivos con capacidad para transmitir datos, excepto que se especifique lo contrario. Television or AM/FM Radio Receivers Televisión o Radios de AM/FM Remote-controlled Toys Juguetes de control remoto Remember Recuerda CREW INTERFERENCE ELECTRONIC DEVICES PETS Federal law prohibits any Passenger from assaulting, threatening, or intimidating a Crew Member or interfering with a Crew Member's duties. La ley federal prohíbe que los pasajeros asalten, amenacen o intimiden a los Miembros de la Tripulación o que interfieran con los deberes de un Miembro de la Tripulación. Cellphones and pagers may be used at the gate and after landing. Los teléfonos y localizadores pueden ser usados en la puerta y después de aterrizar. All pets must stay inside their carriers and under the seat for the duration of the flight. Todas las mascotas deben permanecer dentro de sus jaulas y debajo del asiento durante todo el vuelo. DISABILITY ASSISTANCE Southwest Airlines and AirTran Airways offer assistance to their Customers with disabilities upon request. Southwest Airlines y AirTran Airways siempre ofrecen asistencia para sus clientes con discapacidades que lo pidan. CARRYON BAGGAGE Customers are limited to one (1) bag per person, plus one (1) additional personal item. El límite es de una (1) maleta por persona y un (1) artículo personal. LOST AN ITEM ONBOARD A FLIGHT? Visit the Customer Service page on southwest.com to report a lost item. Visita la página de Servicio al Cliente en southwest.com para reportar un objeto perdido. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Customers are prohibited from consuming alcoholic beverages not purchased onboard. Alcoholic beverages will not be served to anyone under the age of 21. We reserve the right to refuse the sale of alcoholic beverages to anyone. Se prohíbe que los Clientes consuman bebidas alcohólicas si no fueron compradas a bordo. No serviremos bebidas alcohólicas a las personas menores de 21 años de edad. Nos reservamos el derecho de negar la venta de bebidas alcohólicas a cualquier persona. MARCH 2014 SPIRIT 143 http://www.southwest.com http://www.southwest.com

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Spirit Magazine - March 2014

Spirit Magazine - March 2014
Gary’s Greeting
Gary’s Greeting en Español
Star of the Month
Freedom Story
From the Editor
Your Words
Your Pictures
Media Center
Eat Drink Sleep
Wise Guide
The New American Dream
Your Adventure In New York City
Community Outreach
Products & Services
Flight Service
Terminal Maps
Rapid Rewards and A+ Rewards Partners
Route Map
The “If” List

Spirit Magazine - March 2014
