Spirit Magazine - July 2014 - (Page 22)

Your Words Dear Spirit, My recent read of Tracy Ross' beautifully written the piece "The Carousel of carousel of Happiness" [May 2014] happiness brought me to tears. With mass manufacturing at its peak and production the furthest distance it's been from the consumer, it is so easy to overlook the human cost behind things that make up every aspect of our lives. The story of Scott Harrison's carousel has reminded me to be appreciative of the very real human stories behind otherwise insignificant things in my chaotic life. The unsuspecting patron might never think of the great journey and joy behind the carousel's animals while riding it, and I hope I'm never that person! Inquire and admire always, no matter how little something costs you. SCOTT HARRISON CARVED HIS WAY OUT OF PAIN, BATTLED EVIL AROUND THE WORLD, AND NOW BRINGS MAGIC TO A SMALL MOUNTAIN TOWN. BY TRACY ROSS PHOTOGRAPHY BY STABLEFORD STUDIOS ANIMAL HOUSE Scott catches a moment with his boon companions (and creations) Tiger and Gorilla. 76 SPIRIT MAY 2014 MAY 2014 SPIRIT 77 -REBECCA LEE CHICAGO "Inquire and admire" sounds like a pretty good motto to live by, Rebecca. and Tracy Ross, for bringing Scott Harrison's story to us. It truly is "magic in a small town." - LY N D A S H A N B L U M AUSTIN, TEXAS Nothing makes us happier than when a story inspires an expedition. LOUSY SLEEP AID I travel frequently and usually use the airline magazines to assist me in falling asleep. Sadly, on my way to Puerto Rico in March, I was unable to do so because your article "The New American Dream" [March 2014] was stellar. It had heart, details, research, and a great flow. I even forwarded it to both friends and family. -J E R E M I A H A S H B A U G H P O R T L A N D, O R E G O N Sorry! (We're not sorry.) YOU CAN, TOO SEND 'EM IN Write to us at 2811 McKinney Ave., Suite 360, Dallas, TX 75204 or email letters@spiritmag.com. For comments or questions directed at Southwest Airlines that don't pertain to Spirit, please visit the "Contact Us" page at southwest.com. Our favorite letter each month wins a Spirit diner mug. Find us on Facebook at facebook.com/spiritmag Follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/spiritmagazine Follow us on Instagram at instagram.com/spiritmagazine 22 SPIRIT JULY 2014 SEEKING HAPPINESS I was flying to Denver on May 1 and read the wonderful piece in Spirit about the Carousel of Happiness in Nederland, Colorado. I was enthralled by the story of Scott Harrison-his demons, his life, and his dream-and I resolved to visit the carousel during my trip. While there, my friends and I walked around to see all the animals, then happily hopped on our favorites and took a couple rides. It was a very special experience. I've copied and sent the story to many friends, urging them to visit. Thank you, Spirit magazine On a recent flight from Chicago to Denver, I was excited to read your "New American Dream" article. As an entrepreneurial person with limited success thus far, I have often been called "confused" by those who don't understand my process. After poring over the individual stories you showcased, I felt a renewed desire to follow my life's passion. If those people made it work, there's no reason I can't. Thank you! -CHRISTINE BAKER N E W YO R K C I T Y Get that process moving, Christine. We're rooting for you. http://www.southwest.com http://www.facebook.com/spiritmag http://www.twitter.com/spiritmagazine http://www.instagram.com/spiritmagazine

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Spirit Magazine - July 2014

Spirit Magazine - July 2014
Gary’s Greeting
Gary’s Greeting en Español
Star of the Month
Freedom Story
From the Editor
Your Words
Your Pictures
Media Center
Eat Drink Sleep
Bite into bread salad
Pour a patriotic drink
Eat like an astronaut
Call cars by name
Analyze dating data
Know your market(ing)
Shop for couture
As the Lights Go Down
As the Lights Go Down
One-Hit Wonders
One-Hit Wonders
Sightsee in St. Louis
Your Adventure In St. Louis
Your Adventure In St. Louis
Promotional Series: Spirit of Maryland
Promotional Series: Spirit of Nevada
Promotional Series: Focus on Health
Turn a buck into a bronco
Community Outreach
Products & Services
Flight Service
Terminal Maps
Rapid Rewards and A+ Rewards Partners
Route Map
The “If” List
Joke with Allison Janney

Spirit Magazine - July 2014
