Triumph - 2013 Fall Winter - (Page 6)

Stay WEll Smart Choices Just Say, 'I Quit!' Annual Great American Smokeout helps people kick a deadly habit. The time to stop smoking is always now, but the third Thursday of November (this year, the 21st) is especially meaningful: It's the annual American Cancer Society Great American Smokeout. Tobacco use remains the single largest preventable cause of disease and premature death in the United States, yet some 43.8 million Americans-nearly one in five adults-still smoke cigarettes. If you want to stop for good, target one day- call it your Quit Day-then commit to it! The right support and tools can help smokers quit for good. Research suggests that using smoking-cessation groups, personal counseling, nicotine replacement or other medications can boost success rates. The benefits of quitting are manifold no matter how long someone has smoked. And thanks to the American Cancer Society, more states are protecting people from second-hand smoke with bans on smoking in public places. Learn more about the Great American Smokeout, plus find tips, tools and a guide to quitting smoking, at 6 Triumph fall-winter 2013

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Triumph - 2013 Fall Winter

Triumph - 2013 Fall Winter
Finish the Fight
Stay Well
Get Well
Find Cures
Fight Back

Triumph - 2013 Fall Winter