Fleet and Customs & Immigration
Boeing 737-800
Boeing 777-200 ER and -300 ER
Number in Fleet: 58
B777-200 Seats: 247
B777-300 Seats: 310
Number in Fleet: 231
Seats: 150
Boeing 737-400
Number in Fleet: 13
Seats: 144
Airbus A330-200 and -300
McDonnell Douglas MD-80
Number in Fleet: 22
A330-200 Seats: 258
A330-300 Seats: 291
Boeing 767-300ER
Number in Fleet: 153
Seats: 135
Embraer 190
Number in Fleet: 58
Seats: 214
Number in Fleet: 20
Seats: 99
Embraer 170 and 175
Number in Fleet: 82
Embraer 175 Seats: 76
Boeing 767-200ER
Number in Fleet: 12
Seats: 168
Seats: 204
U.S. Customs
Declaration Form
Prior to arrival, each
traveler or head of
family must provide
information concerning
goods/gifts that have
been acquired abroad.
Complete items 1
through 15 and include
your signature and the
date written as Day/
Month/Year at the
bottom of this form.
U.S. residents are
normally entitled to
a duty-free exemption of $800 on those
items accompanying
them into the United
States, while non-U.S.
residents are normally
entitled to an exemption of $100.
Embraer 170 Seats: 69
Embraer 175 Seats: 80
Need Your I-94
Admission Number?
Go to www.cbp.gov/I94
Embraer RJ145 and RJ140
Boeing 757-200
Number in Fleet: 187
Embraer RJ140 Seats: 44
Embraer RJ145 Seats: 50
Welcome to the
United States
Number in Fleet: 110
Seats: 176-184
CBP Publication Number 0228-0612 (07/12)
Bombardier CRJ900
Number in Fleet: 51
Seats: 76-79
Seats: 176-190
Bombardier CRJ700
Airbus A321
Number in Fleet: 61
Seats: 63-65
Number in Fleet: 108
Seats: 102
Seats: 67
Seats: 187
Bombardier CRJ200
Airbus A320
Number in Fleet: 138
Seats: 50
Number in Fleet: 68
Seats: 150
Seats: 50
Airbus A319
Number in Fleet: 108
Seats: 128
Seats: 124
MARCH 2014
Dash-8 100/200 and 300
Number in Fleet: 39
Dash-8 100/200 Seats: 37
Dash-8 300 Seats: 50
I-94 Form
Departure Card
U.S. Customs and
Border Protection
no longer requires
customers holding a
visa for the USA to
complete the paper
I-94 Arrival/Departure
Record. If your employer or local, state,
or federal agency
requires an I-94 for
verification purposes,
go to cbp.gov/i94
after your arrival to
obtain an electronic
copy of your I-94 admissions record. Please
ask your immigration
officer for more details.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of US Airways - March 2014