F I Your Turn S: PFBC biologists use many different methods to investigate the waterways and make an estimate of fish populations. Solve the “word equations” below to reveal some of the tools they use. The first one is done for you. 1. BROAD - RD + TRAVEL - RAVEL + ELECTION - ION + GROW - GW + CATFISH - CAT + SING - S = BOAT ELECTROFISHING 2. HOOT - T + PEN - E + LETS - L = 3. BENCH - CH + THIS - S + CAT - A + CRAWL - C = 4. GRILL - R + NEST - S = 5. CREEPY - PY + LOGS - OG + LURE - LE + VERY - R = 6. PAENTRY - ENY + APRON - RO + WEST - WS = 7. BLACK - L + PACKAGE - AGE + SELECTION - STION + TROUT - UT + FIST - T + THING - T = Match each answer above to the Fish Scene Investigation below. Fish Scene Investigation: Which survey tool is used for each investigation? a. Brook trout in a small creek = b. Channel catfish in a large river = c. Yellow perch in Lake Erie = d. Bottom-dwelling darters in a large river = e. Bluegills in a lake = f. Largemouth bass in a lake = BOAT ELECTROFISHING g. Number of anglers targeting walleye at a lake = Benthic Trawl ANSWERS: a. Backpack Electrofishing; b. Hoop Nets; c. Gill Net; d. Benthic Trawl; e. PA Trap Net; f. Boat Electrofishing; g. Creel Survey ANSWERS TO TOP OF PAGE: 1. Boat Electrofishing; 2. Hoop Nets; 3. Benthic Trawl; 4. Gill Net; 5. Creel Survey; 6. PA Trap Net; 7. Backpack Electrofishing. Editor: Spring Gearhart Design and Illustrations: Jeff Decker and Ted Walke Photos: PFBC archives PFBC© Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission website: www.fishandboat.com Pennsylvania Angler & Boater • March/April 2013 51