voL. 6, no. 6
June 2015
tee time marketing
2 PGA Tour/EZLinks-backed site challenges GolfNow
By Stuart Lindsay
goLf courSe taxation
5 Municipal golf property tax exemption affirmed by Ohio
Supreme Court By Jim Dunlap
goLf courSe management
6 California course owners adapt to new water cutbacks
By Jim Dunlap
private cLuB trenDS
8 Reinventing vs. Reinvesting By tom Bennison
goLf participation
9 Golf participation in 2020: Two "educated guesses,"
you pick By Jim koppenhaver
goLf participation
11 What's right with golf? By Stuart Lindsay
inDuStrY ScorecarD
12 May golf weather impact: Starting the full season in "neutral"
market focuS
15 Dallas: Room for improvement in Big D P&L
tHe LaSt WorD
17 NGCOA facing a critical leadership decision By Jim Dunlap
The Pellucid PersPecTive
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Pellucid Perspective - June 2015