NEWSFEED The IEEE Power & Energy Society Scholarship Plus Initiative HE IEEE POWER & ENERGY Society (PES) Scholarship Plus Initiative recognizes highly qualified electrical engineering undergraduate students with multiyear scholarships and assists in connecting them with relevant and meaningful career experiences. The goal of the program is to increase the number of well-qualified, entrylevel engineers in the power and energy industry. Since the program launched in 2011, 723 students have received 1,172 scholarships from 169 universities. The program has had a positive impact with more students getting involved in the power industry. Rebecca Novy from the University of Utah noted, "Being named a PES Scholar provided me with the means to study electrical engineering full time. I was recognized by industry professionals in my local PES Chapter and am able to connect more closely with power sector professors and researchers in the field." T Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MELE.2017.2685838 Date of publication: 31 May 2017 84 IE E E E l e c t r i f i c ati o n M agaz ine / J UN E 2017 PES scholar Rebecca Novy from the University of Utah, during her internship in 2016 with Rio Tinto. There are multiple ways that an organization or a person can get involved in the program: 1) become a mentor, 2) promote the program to students, 3) provide a financial contri- bution, or 4) offer internship or cooperative opportunities to PES Scholars. Find out how this program is helping address the problem of the shortage of engineers in the power and energy industry by visiting the IEEE PES Scholarship Plus Initiative website at