IEEE Electrification - March 2022 - 6

grid-following and grid-forming control
paradigms and their functional
characteristics. Then, open research
questions concerning inverter control
are organized into four categories:
1) frequency control, 2) voltage
control, 3) system protection, and 4)
fault ride-through capability and
power system voltage recovery,
which are followed by a summary of
challenges to modeling and simulation
approaches for inverter-based
systems. Next, a road map for developing
and deploying grid-forming
inverters is introduced, and the
importance of establishing an environment
of technical standards
is emphasized.
The second article, " Collaborative
Autonomous Grid-Connected Inverters-Flexible
Grid-Forming Inverter
Control for the Future Grid, " is by
Joseph Benzaquen, Mohammadreza
Miranbeigi, Prasad Kandula, and Deepak
Divan. The authors provide a historical
review of the evolution of
power grids and predict that a universal
set of rules for grid-connected
inverters to collaborate with one
another is needed and will be the
foundation for building the future grid.
They also discuss a universal control
strategy for grid-forming inverters,
where a phase jump algorithm is proposed
and added to the power synchronization
control loop.
In " Islanding Detection of GridForming
Inverters: Mechanism,
Methods, and Challenges, " Teng Liu,
Xiongfei Wang, Fangcheng Liu, Kai
Xin, and Yunfeng Liu provide a systematic
discussion of the difficulties
with the islanding detection of gridforming
inverters. The authors compare
islanding detection mechanisms,
i.e., the dependencies of physical
variables, for grid-following and
grid-forming inverters and identify
differences resulting from the gridforming
control paradigm. The prior
art of islanding detection for gridforming
inverters is then reviewed.
This is followed by an outline of
challenges, where the need to update
grid codes and standards, the conflict
between grid forming and islanding
detection, the clash between fault
ride-through and islanding detection,
and the islanding detection of multiple
inverters are highlighted.
Next, " Grid-Forming Inverters for
Grid-Connected Microgrids, " by
Andrew Tuckey and Simon Round,
shares two practical
examples of megawatt-level
battery energy
storage systems
(BESSs) deployed in
commercial grid-connected
Grid-forming BESSs
are demonstrated in
a rate-of-change-offrequency
event and
for seamless islanding
operation. The authors
also elaborate on the full range
of inverter control levels and give a
comparison of grid-following and
grid-forming inverters with respect to
their capabilities. They highlight the
fact that stiff voltage sources are not
preferred for inverters.
The fifth feature is " Grid-Forming
Wind: Getting Ready for Prime
Time, With or Without Inverters " by
Vahan Gevorgian, Shahil Shah, Weihang
Yan, and Geoff Henderson. It
introduces three types of grid-forming
wind turbines, including two
inverter-based (type 3 and type 4)
and one synchronous generatorbased
(type 5) wind turbines, and it
compares them with respect to grid
integration challenges. The stability
of type 3 wind turbines equipped
with grid-following and grid-forming
controls is compared through
impedance-based analysis. The frequency-stabilizing
effect of type 4
grid-forming wind turbines is also
demonstrated. Electromechanical
interaction issues with type 4 gridforming
wind turbines and prevention
measures are discussed.
In the " Viewpoint " column, NichThis
issue of IEEE
Magazine delivers five
feature articles and
two columns that
share the prospects
and challenges of gridforming
olas W. Miller contributes " From the
High Plains and Deserts-A New
Look at Getting Renewable Energy
From Remote Sources to Load Centers. "
He shares another challenge to
be faced in the immediate future:
the long-distance bulk power transfer
from remote, large-scale wind
and solar power plants to load centers.
and power-voltage
( " nose " ) curves are
used to indicate the
physical limits of the
energy transfer, regardless
of grid-following
and gridforming
The author also indicates
that the dynamic
behaviors of
power systems will
be fundamentally altered
by inverter control, although
the physical laws of power transfer
will not change.
Finally, the article " Indonesian
Electric Motorcycle Development " is
from Yuniarto et al. The authors discuss
lessons from innovation-based
concept implementation for designing
and producing the first Indonesian
electric motorcycle.
Enjoy the Issue
We hope you enjoy the diverse and
comprehensive views in this issue.
The guest associate editor would like
to thank Lingling Fan, editor-in-chief,
for her tireless support throughout
the final and time-demanding stages
of this special issue. Finally, we
would like to thank Randi E. Scholnick-Philippidis,
senior publications
administrator of the IEEE Power and
Energy Society, for providing indispensable
support. If you would like
to submit an article or to have a
topic addressed in future issues,
please contact the editorial board at
IEEE Electrification Magazine / MARCH 2022

IEEE Electrification - March 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Electrification - March 2022

IEEE Electrification - March 2022 - Cover1
IEEE Electrification - March 2022 - Cover2
IEEE Electrification - March 2022 - Contents
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