IEEE Electrification - March 2022 - 67

measuring their reactions, and learning from the results.
The aim is to continuously improve the offering to deliver
precisely what the customers want eventually. As
described, the lean start-up consists of the following four
sequential and cyclic processes:
1) Planning: This is the start of the build-measure-learn
cycle in which someone must plan what they want
to accomplish. The idea to be built is planned, tested,
or measured and learned. Furthermore, it should
have value or meaning useful for the customer, society,
or community and have the capability to change
the world.
2) Build: Once the idea has been determined, the second
step is developing minimum products or systems
for its realization. In lean start-up terminology,
minimum products or systems are known as minimum
viable products (MVPs). The objective of developing
or building MVPs is to test whether the ideas
have value for potential customers, as previously
stated. Therefore, an MVP is not the final product or
system to be delivered to customers; it is only for
testing and is to be iterated during the build-measure-learn
cycle into the final product for launching
and delivery to customers.
3) Measure: Measure gauges each feedback during the
MVP test to determine whether it fits what customers
want. The net promoter score, system
usability test, and other means of testing are used
and conducted to measure how the MVP fits customer
4) Learn: Analysis has to be performed based on customer
feedback during the MVP test measure in
step 3 to determine whether the idea or MVP needs
revision. In terms of lean start-up methodology, the
outputs of the learning process are the following:
■ Stick with the current idea or MVP/persevere: When
the customer feedback is good and agrees with the
hypotheses, repeat the feedback loop to improve
and refine the idea and MVP continuously. This
then moves to the next step of building the business
based on the improved and refined idea and
MVP. The MVP is now known as the minimum marketable
product (MMP).
■ Iterate and improve the current idea or MVP/pivot:
When the customers reject the idea or MVP, they
need to be replaced. This pivot involves searching
for the new idea, rebuilding the MVP, and retesting
with customers until they accept. Once the customers
have accepted the idea or MVP, the persevere
process explained previously starts.
Initially, the lean start-up methodology is implemented
mostly in computer app start-ups. Therefore,
implementing the framework to guide the development
of electric motorcycles in a lean and agile manner
requires substantial alteration. The modification of the
framework to suit the electric motorcycle development
is discussed in the " Original Idea of the Lean Start-Up
Methodology " section.
The Proposed Framework of Agile and Lean
Development of the Electric Motorcycle Based
on the Lean Start-Up Methodology
The lean start-up aims to develop an innovative product
with minimum time, effort, and cost. Innovation suits or
fits what the targeted customers want. However, the concept
is limited to developing applications (software) within
a company or as a standalone new business (start-up
company). In contrast, developing an electric motorcycle
is heavily based on detailed engineering activities involving
many resources. Therefore, this article proposes an
alteration or modification to the original lean start-up
methodology (see Figure 1).
Implementing the Proposed Lean and Agile
Developments of the Electric Motorcycle
The proposed framework in Figure 1 is divided into the
following activities as follows.
Ideation Phase
The proposed framework in Figure 1 indicates that the
first electric motorcycle development in Indonesia started
with an idea and value proposition. The intended customer
value is that the electric motorcycle would be greener
and cheaper than its gasoline motorcycle counterpart.
This idea was then tested with the potential customers,
most of whom agreed with the value proposition. They
would buy the electric scooter should it have a low acquisition
price and operation and maintenance costs. After
validating the idea and value proposition, the electric
motorcycle was developed. A survey on the motorcycle
market showed that the scooter is the type of motorcycle
loved by Indonesians. The scooter topped the motorcycle
market with a market share of approximately 63%. The
data showed that the electric scooter is the one to be
developed. A further survey was conducted to determine
the features sensitive to potential customers. Furthermore,
artists made drawings with the initial (assumed)
electric scooter specifications for use as potential customer
survey tools. The artist's drawing of the electric scooter
and its specifications is displayed in Figure 2.
A survey was again conducted with 1,262 potential sample
customers from throughout Indonesia, and the results are
in Figure 3. The survey results show that most potential customers
would buy the electric scooter in case the acquisition
and operation cost is >50%. The target price for the developed
electric scooter would be fewer than IDR 20 million. Surprisingly,
technology implemented in the electric scooter came in
second place in terms of preferences, with 24% of the potential
customers. Furthermore, performance was the reason
given to buy the electric scooter (third, with 13%). Therefore,
the focus of electric scooter development would be its cost,
technologies, and performance. At this stage, development
IEEE Electrification Magazine / MARCH 2022

IEEE Electrification - March 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Electrification - March 2022

IEEE Electrification - March 2022 - Cover1
IEEE Electrification - March 2022 - Cover2
IEEE Electrification - March 2022 - Contents
IEEE Electrification - March 2022 - 2
IEEE Electrification - March 2022 - 3
IEEE Electrification - March 2022 - 4
IEEE Electrification - March 2022 - 5
IEEE Electrification - March 2022 - 6
IEEE Electrification - March 2022 - 7
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