By Yong Jiang, Jianqiang Liu, Wei Tian, Mohammad Shahidehpour, and Mahesh Krishnamurthy Energy Harvesting for the Electrification of Railway Stations Getting a charge from the regenerative braking of trains. N ENORMOUS AMOUNT OF ENERGY IS GENERATED BY RAILWAY CARS when applying regenerative braking in train stations. This article discusses the methods for absorbing, storing, and using the energy produced by regenerative braking. Two methods are proposed: 1) regenerative energy is fed back to the distribution grid for supplying stationary loads at train stations and 2) regenerative energy is used to charge railway car-mounted storage containers, which can also supply stationary loads or be transported elsewhere for supplying remote loads. A ENERGY SYMBOLS COURTESY OF FREEIMAGES.COM/SRBICHARA Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MELE.2014.2333561 Date of publication: 29 September 2014 2325-5987/14©2014IEEE IEEE Electrific ation Magazine / s ep t em be r 2 0 1 4 39http://www.FREEIMAGES.COM/SRBICHARA