ieee power & energy magazine SEP2 12 1 2 3 2 Communication Media: * Utility Private WAN * Cellular System * Internet * AMI Network * Telecom Provider Mixed Media * Power-Line Carrier Utilities Can Also Use Smart Meters to Monitor Hourly Net Metering Data DER Inverter/Controller 12 2 figure 9. An example of IEC 61850 as information model while using SEP2 and DNP3 as protocols. DER Inverter/Controller ModBus Protocol Translator 12 Protocol Translator ModBus, GOOSE BACnet SEP2 SEP2 Based on IEC 61850 Abstract Facility DER Management System (FDEMS) Information Model * Commercial Facility DER-Related Applications * Industrial * Power Plant Facility Protocol (e.g., SEP2 or * Microgrid BACnet) * Military 10 DER Inverter/Controller ModBus, GOOSE Protocol Translator or FDEMS DNP3 If SCADA 1 SEP2 Based on IEC 61850 Abstract Information Model DER System Under Direct Utility Management 1 DNP3 If SCADA Protocol Translator Internal Utility Protocol 11 Utility DER-Related Applications Utility 3 Aggregator Selected Protocol 5 4 Aggregator Selected Protocol DNP3 for Direct SCADA Management IEC 61850 Data Objects Over SEP2 DER Inverter/Controller ModBus, GOOSE 12 Protocol Translator SEP2 Based on IEC 61850 Abstract Information Model Residential or Small Commercial DER System SEP2 Based On IEC 61850 Abstract Information Model Protocol Translator Internal Protocol Aggregator DER-Related Applications Aggregator/Retail Energy Provider/Fleet Operator Aggregator Selected Protocol 92 january/february 2016