& IAS PowerAfrica Conference Presented by IEEE PES and IEEE IAS Cape Town 26-29 June 2018 JOIN US FOR POWERAFRICA 2018 PowerAfrica 2018 will be a platform for participants from academia, electric utilities and industry to discuss experiences, best practices and associated technical developments that can be applied towards the electrification of Africa, enabling socio-economic development. Power delivery regulations, investments and policies will also be addressed. This year the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) and Industrial Applications Society (IAS) have joined forces to coordinate this important international forum on clean and affordable energy pathways in support of the sustainable development goals throughout Africa. Technical Sessions will Cover the Following Topic Areas: * Infrastructure Advances * Energy Access Frameworks and Policies * Transforming and Renewing Centralised Systems * Resilient Services from Energy, Water and Health * Innovation in Components and Systems Learn more at ieee-powerafrica.org Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2017.2780291http://www.ieee-powerafrica.org