Paving the Way for Advanced Distribution Management Systems Applications By Anamika Dubey, Anjan Bose, Michael Liu, and Luis (Nando) Ochoa Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2019.2949442 Date of current version: 7 January 2020 january/february 2020 T T H E DEV E L OPM E N T A N D DE PL OY M E N T OF advanced distribution management systems (ADMSs) is imper- ative to address the increasingly complex operational chal- lenges faced by aging electric power distribution systems, while ensuring reliable and resilient operations. Along with integrating the processes across multiple systems that are typically isolated, an ADMS allows for the development of applications that can readily access information from vari- ous subsystems, apply advanced analytics, and effectively control and coordinate traditionally segmented systems. This article presents an overview of ADMS applications for 1540-7977/20©2020IEEE ieee power & energy magazine IMAGE LICENSED BY INGRAM PUBLISHING Making the Most of Models and Data 63