-Gerry Sheblé p&e EasyPower Power System Analysis CURRENT IN AMPERES X 100 AT 480 VOLTS .5 .6 .8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1000 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10000 1000 TX-2 FLA 800 800 600 500 0.15 600 500 400 300 18.71 200 100 30 1.90 20 6 5 4 3 2 40 30 20 10 8 6 5 8 8 .4 10 60 50 BL-3 GE AKR-30H 800/400 17.58 BL-1 GE MVT MV T-Plus MVT-Plus Sensor = 1600 Plug = 1600 C ur Set = 1.1 (1760A) Cur LT T Band = 1 S TPU = 2 .5 (4400A) STPU 2.5 S TD elay ela y = IInt nt ST Delay S T Delay y I²t I²t = Out ST O verride = 50000A Override M-1 4 BL-5 C-H HFD 225/150 3 2 1 1 .8 .8 BL-3 MVT-9 GE MVT MV T-9 Sensor = 800 Plug = 800 Cur C ur Set = 0.5 0.5 5 (400A) LT L T Band = 1 IInst nst = 4 (3200A) .6 .5 .4 .3 3 .2 ✔ Photovoltaics: Background Ma- terial ✔ Photovoltaics: Characteristics and Circuit Modeling of the PV Cell ✔ Photovoltaics: PV Arrays Operation and Characteristics ✔ Photovoltaics: PV Generating Systems ✔ Hydroelectricity ✔ Tidal Energy ✔ Wind Energy ✔ Bioenergy ✔ Costing a Renewable Energy Project. The book offers a list of references for each chapter of the key literature. A thorough explanation of the operation for each device, with detailed versions of key plots and figures, is included. Each chapter ends with a set of problems to review the depth of learning achieved. The author provides examples and problems as a key part of the material treatment. The data serves two purposes: march/april 2021 .6 .5 .04 .03 PANEL .1 .08 .06 .05 .04 .03 .02 BL-5 20574A .5 .6 .8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1000 2 3 4 Arc Fault Name .01 Bus 5 6 7 8 9 10000 CURRENT IN AMPERES X 100 AT 480 VOLTS R PANEL .2 BL-3 29249A .02 .01 .3 C-6 CU 1 - 400 kcmilil CU TX-2 1000 / 1288 kVA INRUSH BL-5 Cutler Hammer mer er Series Serie C HFD Frame = 225A (150AT (150AT) (150A T Trip = 150 .06 .05 .4 BL-1 18627A .1 .08 R 200 80 .1 SWG-4 40 300 100 3 TX-2 1000 / 1288 kVA 6% 60 50 BL-1 GE AKR-50 1600/1760 24 80 400 TX-2 1 / 1.288 MVA 13.8 - 0.48 kV 6% TIME IN SECONDS 1000 19 This book provides concise and practical solutions that will appeal to both student and professional practitioners. This book is suitable for an advanced undergraduate course. It would be best for students who have completed the first course on power system analysis. 1) to illustrate analytical expressions with numerical values through ranges within plots and 2) to provide examples of numerical values for design over a range of values. The interconnection with practical power systems is shown with the power electronics to connect each device. TIME IN SECONDS The organization and material in this text reflect a thoroughly planned approach as demonstrated by 1) the depth of covered topics, 2) the introductory material included, and 3) the learning outcomes of each chapter. As with most textbooks, a distinctive feature is that most of the topics are illustrated with detailed numerical examples. The text is organized with introductory background material first and then with equipment explanations and models. The chapters include PANEL Arc Fault Bus kV Upstream Upstream Trip Device Trip Device Equip Type Name Function Electrode Configuration Electrode Gap (mm) Est Arc Flash Boundary (inches) 32.1 Working Distance (inches) + 26 Incident Energy (cal/cm2) BUS-3 13.8 R-6 51/50 Open Air VOA 152 BUS-7 13.8 R-7 51/50 Open Air VOA 152 30.5 + 26 M-1 0.48 BL-3 Other HCB 32 31.6 + 18 MAIN SWG 3.8 R-18 51/50 Switchgear VCB + HCB 152 189.3 + 18 59.3 REFINER 2.4 R-7 51/50 Switchgear VCB + HCB 104 261.9 + 18 122.8 1.7 51/50 Switchgear VCB + HCB 32 213.2 + 18 135.1 MCC VCB 25 53.6 + 18 6.9 VCB 25 53.1 + 18 6.8 1.5 3.8 SWG-4 0.48 R-6 MCC-1 0.48 BL-2 MCC-2 0.48 BL-3 PNL-1 0.208 FS-2 Panel VCB + HBB 25 48.2 + 18 7.1 PNL-2 0.208 PNL-1 Panel VCB 25 57.8 + 18 7.7 MCC d Risk Hazar ed and Shock Arc Flash priate PPE Requir Appro Arc Flash and Shoc gy k Risk Hazard rd Boundary Incident Ener rall Flash Haza inches - Arc Flash s or arc rated cove Appropriate PPE 18 Required 4' - 0 " pant cal/cm at arc rated 2 and 4' - 0 " Flash Hazard Bounda ved cal/cm2 at 18 inches ry cover is remo 6.0 - Arc Flash Inciden Hazard when t Energy kV Shock oach Limited Appr oach 0.48 Appr kV Shock Hazard Restricted when cover is remove 3' - 6 " Limited Approa (Fed By: 27B) ONLY d ch ON 1' - 0 " MCC-23A FIGURATI Restricted Approa nt Name: CON EM pme ch Equi SYST NORMAL Equipment Name: VALID FOR SWG-4 (Fed By: VALID FOR NORMA 18A) L SYSTEM CONFIG URATION ONLY 6.0 shirt Arc-rated 0.48 3' - 6 " 1' - 0 " · Easy to Learn and Use · Fast Results Try instantly online or download a free demo copy at: www.EasyPower.com/demo ® Power made easy. ieee power & energy magazine 95http://www.EasyPower.com/demo