GAVEL-©SHUTTERSTOCK.COM/GENA MELENDREZ, BACKGROUND-©SHUTTERSTOCK.COM/JAROSLAVA V Auctions for Nonwires Alternatives By Ali Golriz, Inna Vilgan, Hamza Mortage, Fahimeh Kazempour, and Mohamed Ahmed Securing and Operating Dispatchable Distributed Energy Resources Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2021.3134148 Date of current version: 21 February 2022 march/april 2022 A 1540-7977/22©2022IEEE AS DISTRIBUTED ENERGY RESOURCES (DERs) decline in cost, improve in capability, and receive more interest from end consumers, there are increasing opportunities for them to play a role in managing the distribution system. One of the major ways DERs can provide services to the electricity system is by acting as nonwires alternatives (NWAs) to manage local peak demand and help defer or avoid capital and operational costs associated with traditional network infrastructure. NWA projects can help utilities and regulators reduce system costs and costumer ieeepower & energy magazine 47