Project Financing and Costs this endeavor was financed under the acP-eu energy facility program and led by local private water company aguas de Porta Preta (aPP) in partnership with the local municipality, the câmara Municipal de Porto novo (cMPn), and others. the cMPn and aPP are directly responsible for the service management and operation and maintenance (o&M) activities of the solar facility. the o&M activities also involve local users and trained users who are responsible for general daily duties, however. Project Outcome figure 8. A Monte Trigo user activating the electricity dispenser service (photo courtesy of TTA). determine in a detailed and accurate way each user's energy demand. this process also takes into account any potential future increase in demand, according to the community's specific social and economic environment. the eDa also lets components like batteries and inverters operate within their specified ranges and so increases system efficiency and lengthens equipment life spans. the Monte trigo project was a success. the villagers adapted their habits very easily to their new electricity source. Major changes have already shaped the life of this community: one user has already bought his first refrigerator (with an a+ energy rating), and local workers have brought in a welding machine from a nearby village to fix a structure with a defect. it was the first time they were able to use something like this in their village. further, it is expected that using the insolation peak of the day, the village's two ice machines will be capable of up to 500 kg/day of ice production, so that surplus solar generation will help improve the commercial activities on which the village's economy relies. N 180° W 120° W 60° W 0° 60° E 120° E 180° E 60° N 60° N 30° N 30° N 0° 0° 30° S 30° S 60° S 60° S 180° W 120° W 60° W 0° 60° E 120° E 180° E Share of Oil-Based Power Generation (% of Total Electricity Generation) 0 1 2 3-4 5 5-7 2-10 11-14 15-18 19-23 24-29 30-36 37-40 41-51 52-59 60-75 76-88 89-95 96-99 100 Coordinate System: World Robinson Projection: Robinson Datum: WGS 1984 Sources: UDI Platts 2012 June 2013 figure 9. A world map of oil-based electricity generation capacity's share of total electricity generation in 2012 (courtesy of RLI). 48 ieee power & energy magazine july/august 2014