©istockphoto.com/agsandrew The Transmission of the Future The Impact of Distributed Energy Resources on the Network Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2016.2550398 Date of publication: 16 June 2016 july/august 2016 By Ignacio J. Pérez-Arriaga T The MassachuseTTs InsTITuTe of Technology (MIT) study "The future of the electric grid," published in December 2011, examined challenges for power systems and concluded with a number of findings and recommendations. The study carefully separated recommendations for transmission from those meant for distribution. Transmission analysis focused on the lack of comprehensive planning at interconnected system levels, siting governance shortcomings, new technologies to enhance grid observability and security, and cybersecurity issues. It also stressed the additional flexibility requirements 1540-7977/16©2016IEEE ieee power & energy magazine 41http://www.istockphoto.com/agsandrew