The Flexibility of Domestic Electric Vehicle Charging The Electric Nation Project By Esther Dudek E 16 ELECTRIC VEHICLES (EVs) ARE KEY TO THE DECARbonization of the transportation sector. Take up is growing rapidly and projected to continue. The utility companies need to prepare to meet the additional demand that EV charging will create. This article explains how flexibility in EV charging could be a key enabler of the transition. This article is based on the fi ndings of Electric Nation (a Western Power Distribution project). The project, based in the United Kingdom, included a two-year fi eld trial (beginning in 2017) involving nearly 700 drivers with a wide range of EVs. It proved the level of fl exibility in home EV charging and exploited this fl exibility using smart charging to reduce peak demand. Through extensive customer research, the project also demonstrated the willingness of customers to provide this fl exibility, including their attitudes toward using apps and time-of-use (ToU) rewards. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2021.3072714 Date of current version: 21 June 2021 ieeepower & energy magazine This article demonstrates the high levels of fl exibility available from domestic EV charging. It also shows how smart charging can use this fl exibility to limit the increases in peak demand due to EV charging. The customer research results presented in this article show how this can be achieved while ensuring that customer satisfaction remains high. The U.K. Context The electrification of transportation is key to decarbonization and improving local air quality. Vehicle manufacturers are developing EV technology to improve the range of vehicles available and reduce the cost to customers. Government support remains strong in the United Kingdom, with government grants/incentives available for the purchase of new EVs; a preferential company car tax rate; and the installation of charging infrastructure at home, in workplaces, and in public places. Significant policy support has been demonstrated through measures such as initiating a ban on the sale of new internal combustion engine vehicles 1540-7977/21©2021IEEE july/august 2021