54 ieee power & energy magazine july/august 2021 DMO Market Optimization Analyze Legend DMO Function Aggregator Function DSO Function DMO Interface Aggregator Interface DSO Interface Active DER Forecast Wholesale Dispatch Wholesale Market Passive DER Forecast DSO Analyze and Forecast Network Conditions Define and Price Local Service Network Optimization Optimize Network Access and Calculate Operating Envelope Select Aggregator and Dispatch Local Service Verify and Settle Local Service Post Service Select Aggregator Dispatch Local Service Reconfigure Network Enrollment and Registration Signal Operating Envelope Distribution Market Interfaces Portfolio Data Reporting and Analytics Send Verification Local Services Market Define Service Submit Local Service Bids Performance Data Integration Dispatch Wholesale Services Wholesale Bids and Operating Envelopes Coordinate With Wholesale Market Pricing and Requirements Assess Compliance and Settle Wholesale Bids Optimize Market Value of Wholesale Bids Maintain Secure Distribution Market Platform Wholesale Market Submit Wholesale Bids Availability Forecast Send Standing Data Performance Data Aggregator Send Telemetry Data Customer Resource Optimization Analyze Customer Preferences Optimize Customer Resources and Submit Bids Forecast Resource Availability Dispatch Customer Resources Analyze Wholesale and Local Service Offers Maintain Resource Data and Send Service Verification figure 1. An infographic of the proposed architecture.