Transients, Stability & Load-fl ow in the same software * Perform multi-phase load-fl ow and time-domain (EMT) simulations within the same environment, using the same dataset and schematic! * The most user-friendly graphical interface! * The fastest and most advanced time-domain software in the industry, capable of simulating large scale transmission and distribution grids! * Completely scriptable. Everything can be automated! * * The reference for EMT simulations Access to world class technical support, ready to help you and your team at each step of your projects! EMTPĀ® is the fastest, the most accurate and the most numerically stable time-domain software in the industry to simulate electromagnetic and electromechanical transients in a large range of applications: - Inverter-Based-Resources (IBR) modeling - Micro-grid simulations - Black-start - Insulation coordination - Protection and relays - Stability - Power Quality - Ferroresonance - Renewables, FACTS and HVDC... Get a 1-Hour call with an application engineer Contact us at: emtp.com