RESILIENT. RELIABLE. READY. S&C TECHNOLOGY FOR THE ENERGY TRANSITION LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT The energy transition is intensifying the need for a more reliable and resilient grid. This evolution requires advanced technology to manage changes today and build a foundation for the future. From PulseClosing® UIS NOSTRUD EXERCITATION ULLAMCO LABORIS NISI UT UIS NOSTRUD RIS and unlimited feeder segmentation, to the VacuFuse® Technology, which enables flexibility II Self-Resetting Interrupter that brings fault-testing to the edge of the grid, S&C's innovations are providing a modern fault-management strategy that reduces operating expenses and improves customer satisfaction. These are the cutting-edge technologies that transform the grid and create a stronger, smarter system. Experience our solutions at IEEE T&D Booth 8229. © S&C Electric Company 2022. All rights reserved.