IEEE PES T&D Conference & Exposition 2022 - 59

efficiently. GETs potentially could free up interconnection
for the gigawatts' worth of wind and solar generation
interconnection projects that are being held back due to
concerns that they'll overwhelm the grid without expensive
and time-consuming reconductoring or transmission
D. Quier, PPL Electric Utilities
T. Hill, National Grid
R. Vail, PacifiCorp
Advanced Smart Distribution Applications-Advanced Smart
Distribution Applications-The Building Blocks
3:00pm - 5:00pm
Session Chair:
Sal Martino, Duke Energy
The distribution system is evolving rapidly with advanced
capabilities that are improving system efficiencies and
service restoration capabilities. This panel session will
explore the foundation requirements that facilitate the
deployment of advanced distribution functions. These
functions include Distribution Automation, Switching
technology, Distribution System Efficiency Improvements
and Advanced Service Restoration technology.
S. Martino, Duke Energy
V. Holsomback, EPRI
M. Simms, Duke Energy
J. Lombardo, S&C Electric Company
Grid Resiliency: Preventing and Responding to Extreme Events
3:00pm - 5:00pm
Session Chairs:
James Walsh, West Monroe
Ashish Tiwari, West Monroe
Utilities have demonstrated nimbleness and flexibility
when adapting advanced and innovative grid technologies.
Grid resiliency remains a focus area for utilities as
" once-in-a-lifetime " weather occurrences are becoming
the new normal due to climate change. Combined
with aging infrastructure and increased reliance on the
electric system as the U.S. looks to expand electrification
of transportation, heating, and cooking, the need for a
April 2022 Show Issue
robust plan and strategy for preventing and responding to
extreme events will continue to grow in urgency. Accurate
and timely information about the grid, customers,
DERs, and environment coupled with advanced analytics
can lead to faster recovery which is a key component of
resilience. Utilities must implement new tools, new technologies,
new workforce skills, and use data to improve
grid resiliency to reduce impact on reliability, customer
satisfaction, and safety. In this session, the speakers discuss
how utilities have historically prepared for weather
events, the challenges posed by changing climate conditions,
and how some leading utilities are adapting to the
new normal.
A. Tiwari, West Monroe
J. Shin, Con Edison
Temporary Overvoltage Considerations for Solar PV Power Plants
3:00pm - 5:00pm
Session Chair:
Dave Mueller, EnerNex
The solar plant industry has had different viewpoints on
the need for grounding transformers or grounding breakers
to prevent temporary overvoltage (TOV) concerns.
One view has maintained that solar plants are not different
than Type 4 Wind Turbines, so they should need
TOV mitigation in a similar way. A different view is that
anti-islanding and other inverter protection will allow
the inverter to trip fast enough to avoid TOV conditions
that would threaten surge arresters or other equipment.
However, the need for low voltage ride through (LVRT)
in large solar plants will challenge the assumptions of an
" instantaneous " trip in these conditions. The panel session
will explore whether TOV mitigation (grounding breakers/transformers)
are necessary for solar plants. The advent
of EMT models is now allowing simulations to be performed
that are shedding some light on these questions.
D. Mueller, EnerNex
C. Pallem, EnerNex
D. Pattabiraman, TMEIC
Future-Proofing the Energy Workforce: A People-First Approach
to Strategic Talent Management
3:00pm - 5:00pm
ieee power & energy magazine

IEEE PES T&D Conference & Exposition 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE PES T&D Conference & Exposition 2022

IEEE PES T&D Conference & Exposition 2022 - Intro
IEEE PES T&D Conference & Exposition 2022 - Cover1
IEEE PES T&D Conference & Exposition 2022 - Cover2
IEEE PES T&D Conference & Exposition 2022 - Contents
IEEE PES T&D Conference & Exposition 2022 - 2
IEEE PES T&D Conference & Exposition 2022 - 3
IEEE PES T&D Conference & Exposition 2022 - 4
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