48 49 50 52 51 54 53 55 57 56 48) Turkey Biologist Mary Jo Casalena with her 2015 8-point taken in Bedford County. 49) Northwest Region forester Scott Wolbert's daughter, Gabriella, got this buck last season in Clarion County. 50) Southeast Region Land Management Officer Linda Swank, left, hunted with daughter Hannah, husband Lloyd and son Roy in Jefferson County during the muzzleloader season. Readers can probably tell by the big smile that Hannah was the lucky hunter. 51) Southcentral Region Law Enforcement Supervisor Richard Danley and Southcentral Region Land Management Supervisor Bert Einodshofer's son Hunter with their trapping catch taken in Huntingdon County. JULY 2016 52) Washington County Game Lands Maintenance Supervisor Justin Reichel with beagle Gracie and a snowshoe hare. 53) Southcentral Region Land Management Supervisor Bert Einodshofer and daughter Kathryn with her Huntingdon County 2015 spring gobbler. 54) Elk County WCO Jason Wagner with his son Adam and a bobcat they trapped in Elk County. 55) Northcentral Region Conservation Administration Supervisor Dave Carlini with his 2015 spring gobbler taken in the rain in Clearfield County. 56) Lawrence County WCO Byron Gibbs with a snowshoe hare taken in Elk County. 57) Middle Creek Environmental Education Specialist Bert Myers got this doe in Bradford County. 37