One Magica With the giant buck he'd been hunting tagged, nished his bear hunt. Cody Wolfe finished H E WAS OUT THERE ... 42 yards. And Cody Wolfe, of ews Howard, had his Matthews Creed at full draw, ready to send an sive arrow screaming toward the massive buck he'd seen for the first time only days earlier on his trail cam. But the buck, which Cody had taken to calling "Big G" becausee of ose his impressive antler tines, had to close ls. some distance, and expose his vitals. 2 Soon, the 29-year-old hunter hoped. Soon. The buck's interest in a doe 30 or so yards away suggested strongly he would come into closer range. With its 70-pound draw, the bow easily could cover the distance. But Big G had to come to her. And he wasn't alone. Five other legal bucks coveting the estrous doe were weighing their chances.