Enjoy Your Time in Elk Country! While Visiting, Do Your Part to Preserve the WILD Nature of the Elk Herd GIVE ELK SPACE Keep a distance - of at least 100 yards - between you and the elk. NEVER FEED ELK Not only is it illegal to feed elk in Pennsylvania, but it teaches them to associate people, cars and/or homes with food. DON'T NAME ELK Characterizing elk, or any wildlife, by naming them degrades their wild essence. DO YOUR PART The welfare of the elk herd is a shared responsibility. If you see someone being disruptive or careless, report it to the Pennsylvania Game Commission's Northcentral Region by calling 570-398-4744. Learn more at http://bit.ly/PGC-ELKSMART.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWSmT3VZXHo http://www.bit.ly/PGC-ELKSMART