BY JIM ROMANELLI SMALL& STEADY WINS THE MATCH Long-range competitive shooting probably has been around almost as long as the rifled bore. But within the past 15 years, there's been increasing participation in longrange competitions using " hybrid " centerfire Hunting Match Rifles (HMRs) that mix the characteristics of heavy benchrest guns and practical hunting setups. These competitions, however, aren't an option for everybody. For one, some centerfire shooters compete at distances of 1 to 2 miles, and - especially in the eastern U.S. - there are relatively few shooting ranges that reach out that far. Then there's the cost. Aside from the required travel, a competition HMR and scope can run several thousand dollars. And on top of that, the match ammunition used by shooters is far more expensive than comparable hunting rounds - even for those who reload. But there's a more affordable and convenient option to the long-range centerfire circuit - rimfire matches from 50 to more than 400 yards using the .22 LR. These contests also have seen exponential increases in participation, and the ease of getting started competing is one reason why. COMPETITIVE RIMFIRE SHOOTING FEBRUARY 2022 53