properly hunt the property. When scouting, the most successful hunters also determine the easiest ways to get into and out of a hunting area undetected while constantly looking for potential ambush sites. Hunting ground can be sold, posted or developed. Many successful hunters constantly seek new ground to scout and hunt. It is ideal to have more options than you need in the event conditions change without warning. Successful hunters usually are flexible. They don't get locked into one stand or one method of hunting. A common mistake many hunters make, for example, is looking for a " good tree. " Remember you are hunting deer, not trees. So determine where deer will be, find the best place to position yourself for a shot and then choose whichever setup works best. I have killed deer from the ground, from tree stands, quad pods, blinds and from a stool inside of an overgrown fencerow. All were in good spots for hunting deer. ATTENTION TO DETAIL Your most successful hunters pay attention to the smallest details on their equipment and set-ups. They never make the same mistake twice. Eliminating even the smallest potential error greatly increases your chances