BY BOB FRYE GATHERING AROUND THE HERD J UST TO BE CLEAR, there are no wild, free-ranging mastodons roaming Pennsylvania's elk range. But if there were... Volunteers from North Fork Chapter 29 of the Society for Pennsylvania Archaeology recently gave people a look at what it took to bring down such a behemoth. They ran an atlatl-throwing station at the 2023 Keystone Elk Country Alliance (KECA) Elk Expo, held July 29-30 on the Elk Country Visitor Center grounds in Benezette, Elk County. Atlatls - what the World Atlatl Association calls one of mankind's " first mechanical inventions " - are essentially sticks with a handle on one end and a hook or socket to hold a spear on the other. They allow users to throw a spear farther and faster than by hand alone. The station was popular. Chapter 29 volunteer Greg Peace, of Punxsutawney, PENNSYLVANIA'S ELK EXPO OCTOBER 2023 19