First detected in Pennsylvania in 2012, Chronic Wasting Disease is a threat to Pennsylvania's deer and elk. Hunters can help manage CWD by harvesting deer in areas where CWD is present. CWD areas updated Disease Management Area 8 in effect for this season. The Pennsylvania Game Commission recently announced changes to the state's Chronic Wasting Disease Management Areas (DMAs), including the creation of DMA 8, which includes portions of Dauphin, Lebanon, Northumberland and Schuylkill counties. The creation of DMA 8 is in response to a CWD-positive deer detected in Dauphin County. This was the first time CWD 46 was detected in free-ranging deer east of the Susquehanna River. Hunters and residents in this area will need to comply with regulations meant to prevent the human-assisted spread of CWD. Meanwhile, all Pennsylvanians should know that CWD surveillance is conducted year-round, meaning new DMAs could be created, and boundaries to existing Jacob Dingel