which I'm not used to since we live in South Carolina. Papa helped me dress in multiple layers, which helped keep me warm inside the house, too! We went out the door with all our gear, including the 6.5 Creedmoor I'd been practicing with. I was so excited to try and get a deer. This was going to be my fi rst Pennsylvania deer hunt and I was getting to do it with my dad on my grandparents' property. We walked down a short trail into an area we call " The Hollow " and cleared the leaves away at the base of a red oak. Papa had shot many deer at this spot and, just the week before, my Uncle John shot a buck here. We sat down and got as comfortable as we could on the ground, and looked at how we could hide ourselves behind the tree if deer came from their most likely direction. Papa told me to watch the corner of the briar patch to my right. There's a well-worn deer trail that runs through the briars and across the hollow to where deer bed on a brush-covered hillside. Not even two minutes had passed when I heard something where Papa had told me to look. Two large does stepped out from the woods. Subscribe today! Pennsylvania Game News 2001 Elmerton Ave. Harrisburg, PA 17110 Make checks payable to PA Game News 1 year $20 2 years $35 3 years $50 Name Address City State ZIP code STORIES BY HUNTERS WILDLIFE ARTWORK EXPERT INSIGHT 1-833-742-1895 Order online at www.huntfish.pa.gov 38 New subscriber Renewal Account Numberhttp://www.huntfish.pa.gov