with a caption and printed before being added to one of two bulletin boards. Maines said that the experience has been very heartwarming and she has learned so much about what is actually happening out in the fi eld. Staff members coming to the region offi ce stop to look at all the diff erent projects and photos. Some fi nd it educational. Many feel appreciated knowing their projects are publicly displayed for coworkers to view. " The best part is seeing how many people are so proud of the work they are accomplishing. I admit, I was nervous that I wouldn't receive a lot of photos, but the results were the complete opposite, " Maines confi ded. Liz plans to continue the initiative in 2025 and there are plans to showcase the bulletin boards in the lobby for public viewing once the region offi ce moves to its new location in State College. While not every employee, nor every job, in the region are represented on the photo boards, the examples caught on camera let staff members know that their dedication and hard work are appreciated. 34 shutt erstock.comhttp://www.erstock.com