Seqens eBook - 28
Solubility in Pharmaceutical R&D:
Predictions and Reality
David P. Elder, PhD, David P. Elder Consultancy
Christoph Saal, PhD, Merck KGaA
hydrophobicity assessments, molecular surface area calculations, etc.9
Lipinski's seminal paper on experimental and computational (in silico)
fragment-based models,10 with the 3 most favored approaches being
methods to estimate the solubility and permeability of drug candidates
was published in 1997.1 The iconic "Rule of 5" predicted that absorption
was adversely impacted when the calculated LogP (cLogP) was >5, when
molecular weight (MW) was >500, when there are >5 H-bond donors or
>10 H-bond acceptors. The related concept of "drug-likeness" importantly
focuses on both potency and physicochemical attributes, using tools such
as lipophilic efficiency2 or ligand efficiency.3
In addition, other researchers have attempted to predict solubility using
computational models utilizing molecular topology,11 group contribution
approaches,12 and E-state indices.13 However, these computational
methods need to be able to cope with significant numbers of compounds
and filter out 'non-drug-like' compounds. The methods must help to
focus chemistry initiatives on programs with improved physicochemical
attributes, thereby enhancing productivity. Importantly, it should be
clearly understood that early discovery methodologies provide qualitative
Drug-likeness and related concepts have been widely used in the
and not quantitative outcomes.14
pharmaceutical industry to attempt to reduce the very high attrition
The challenges inherent in solubility prediction were graphically
rates currently seen with unprecedented pharmacological targets.
Unfortunately, both combinatorial and high-throughput chemistry tends
to favor leads with higher MW, higher cLogP and lowered solubility.1
highlighted by the recent Solubility Challenge. An academic research
group15 measured the equilibrium solubilities of 100 drug-like molecules
at a fixed temperature and ionic strength. Using this training dataset, they
Therefore, successful drug discovery strategies appear to be a balance
requested other research groups to predict, using their own preferred
between trying to optimize both "hydrophobicity-driven potency and
computational approach(es), the intrinsic solubilities of an additional 32
hydrophilicity-driven biopharmaceutics properties."4,5 Consequently, an
drug-like molecules. The training set was selected to represent a wide
over-reliance on optimizing potency to the detriment of physicochemical
range of chemical space with MW ranging from 115 (proline) to 645
properties will yield sub-optimal ADMET (absorption, distribution,
(amiodarone), that had pKas between 1 and 12. The intrinsic solubilities
metabolism, excretion, and toxicity) properties and reduce the likelihood
spanned over 7-orders of magnitude from the poorly soluble (amiodarone)
of clinical success.6 However, the lack of optimal physicochemical
to the highly soluble (acetaminophen), with a relatively even spread of
attributes can often be offset using sophisticated formulation strategies,7,8
intermediate values.
and deficiencies in these properties can often be rate limiting to the
The authors received 100+ entries to the Solubility Challenge.16 Participants
progression of drug candidates. Hence, computational methods that can
qualitatively predict physicochemical properties, eg, solubility, before a
compound is synthesized based on molecular structure, are an essential
requirement for drug discovery.
used the entire spectrum of available computational tools, and this challenge
therefore provided a holistic overview of our ability to predict aqueous
solubility. The authors could not recommend the best approach(es), rather
a number of methodologies that were equally successful at predicting
In this article, the authors will provide an overview of approaches to
aqueous solubility were identified. Some participants were surprised that
predict and measure solubility in the pharmaceutical R&D environment
the simple models were superior to the more complex methodologies.17
with the goal of providing relevant information at the appropriate stage
Faller and Ertl10 went further, claiming that the advantages of the
of the process.
complex models were debatable when compared with the simple cLogP
Relationships between Solubility and
Physicochemical Properties
correlations.18 Hewitt et al17 indicated that data quality was pivotal to
successful predictivity and even with the "high quality" dataset provided
in the "Challenge," questions were still raised about data quality, and it is
critical to understand the applicability domain (ie, the chemical space
There are significant numbers of computational methods reported in the
where the model works best). Understandably, predictions made outside
literature for predicting solubility from underlying molecular properties.
of this domain will be less reliable. Despite the impressive size of some
These include electronic and topological evaluations, hydrophilicity/
participants' training sets, (46 000 compounds of known solubility), their
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing |
Seqens eBook
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Seqens eBook
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Seqens eBook - Contents
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