Seqens eBook - 30
Secondly, even at this early stage, solubility will be used as one of
buffers are typically simple inorganic or organic systems, and they permit
the many parameters relevant for compound optimization. The
investigations of pH-dependent solubility of the compound. The solubility
final goal should be envisaged to deliver compounds with sufficient
of different salt forms can be initially assessed. As an example, for a weak
solubility to realize high bioavailability and to simplify formulation
base in the most acidic parts of the GI tract (ie, the stomach), conversion of
development and clinical progression.
the parent form to the corresponding hydrochloride salt may take place.
From a technical standpoint, realizing the required throughput to fulfill
Accordingly, solubility, as measured in the thermodynamic assay, will refer
both objectives requires a high degree of automation. The key to this and
to the salt form and not to the parent-and this information will be the
many other assay formats is provided by using pre-dissolved compounds.
physiologically relevant.
Typically, 10-mmol solutions in DMSO are utilized. This avoids handling
of the solid material which might not always be crystalline but could be
oily, sticky, or highly electrostatic. Instead of weighing the compounds,
compound handling can be carried out by simple volumetric dispensing,
Application of Biopharmaceutical
Solubility Approaches
ie, pipetting steps. Accordingly, it becomes feasible to implement solubility
As the GI tract is a complicated biological system,39,40 even the
determinations on robotic systems which carry out manipulation such
aforementioned approaches to determining pH-dependent solubility do
as volumetric dispensing, compound precipitation, and solid-liquid
not provide the complete picture of solubility behavior that will underpin
phase separation by filtration or centrifugation. Typically, these liquid
drug absorption. As a prerequisite to ensuring adequate bioavailability of
handling systems which carry out the volumetric dispensing and related
a research compound, the prediction of drug absorption becomes critical
activities can be combined with highly sensitive analytical systems, eg,
during late stage preclinical research in combination with formulation
high-performance liquid chromatography or ultra-performance liquid
development as part of pharmaceutical development. At this stage,
chromatography utilizing generic methodologies and can be applied
further parameters influencing solubility need to be assessed. As a starting
to automated solubility assessments with throughputs of 10 to 100
point, the influence of bile salts on drug solubility must be assessed. The
compounds per day.32-36
best way to obtain this information would be using human GI-media in ex
However, one has to bear in mind that this type of kinetic solubility does
not answer the question, "to what extent does my compound dissolve?"
Instead, this type of kinetic solubility provides the answer to the related
question, "to what extent does my compound precipitate?" As most drugs
are intended for oral administration, the first question is more relevant
vivo settings.41 However, this approach is not practical for routine research
and development. A much more practical way to investigate the impact
of bile salts on solubility is provided by the use of biorelevant dissolution
media, which also can be easily utilized for thermodynamic solubility
determinations. Biorelevant dissolution media such as FaSSIF (fasted
during later research phases. The key differentiating point between kinetic
state simulated intestinal fluid), FeSSIF (fed state simulated intestinal
solubility-which is obtained using the pre-dissolved compound-
fluid), FaSGF (fasted state simulated gastric fluid), and FeSGF (fed state
and thermodynamic solubility-which is obtained using the solid
simulated gastric fluid) mimic the effect of bile salts, pH, ionic strength,
compound-is given by the fact the kinetic solubility will refer in many
as well as osmolarity of human GI fluids.42 When such biorelevant media
cases to the amorphous phase. In a kinetic solubility assay, the compound
have been introduced, preparation of these systems was often a laborious
will have only very limited time to precipitate out and accordingly will
procedure. However, due to the availability of commercial ready-to-use
be mainly amorphous in nature. As a consequence, solubility will be
kits, preparation of the media has been simplified and measurements
significantly enhanced compared to thermodynamic solubility (which
of solubility in these media can be performed with throughput of 10 to
typically utilizes the crystalline phase).37
100 compounds per day.43 For many compounds, a significant increase in
The main-and in many cases only-difference between kinetic and
thermodynamic solubility assays is the usage of a solid compound
instead of DMSO stock solutions. Handling steps for the solid materials
are difficult to automate and typically become more labor-intensive and
usually constrain the throughput of thermodynamic solubility assays.
solubility is seen due to the presence of bile salts. This especially holds
true for lipophilic and basic moieties, where increases in solubility can be
up to 1 or 2 orders of magnitude. Usage of biorelevant media to determine
thermodynamic solubility allows the generation of physiologically
relevant data, but also allows the initial assessment of potential food
Importantly, at this stage information on solubility becomes available
effects (FaSSIF vs. FeSSIF solubility).
for the first time with related information on solid state characteristics
At this stage of a project, further physicochemical characterization
allowing solubility optimization strategies to commence.37,38
of research compounds is carried out for a very limited number of
An assessment of solubility by the aforementioned kinetic or
candidates and focus on intrinsic or apparent dissolution and the effect
thermodynamic solubility assays is limited to generic conditions such
of particle size. Technical feasibility of these investigations has been
as one pre-defined buffer system, typically at neutral pH. To get a
facilitated during the last decade by the development of mini-dissolution
physiologically more relevant understanding-especially for orally
apparatus and particle size determination using image analysis,44,45 which
administered drugs-thermodynamic solubility is measured using
provides important information using a few milligrams of the compound.
biorelevant conditions simulating the prevailing conditions within the
These miniaturized approaches allow the assessment of both solubility
gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Initially, this is conducted using different
and dissolution as part of pre-formulation activities, ie, salt selection,
buffers simulating the different pH conditions in the GI tract. These
polymorphic form selection, and the effect of particle size reduction.
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing |
Seqens eBook
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Seqens eBook
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Seqens eBook - Contents
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