snapped 1. We asked our Facebook followers to send us photos of their bread and cheese sticks and they loaded us up with fantastic images. 2. 1. John Gutekanst 3. Avalanche Pizza Athens, OH 2. Jason Hague Bada Bing! Pizzeria Springfield, OH 3.The Greathouse of Pizza Casey, IL 4. Matthew Willers 4. 5. Barbiere's Italian South Inn Milwaukee, WI 5. Michael P. LaMarca Master Pizza Cuyahoga Fall, OH 6. Zane Rome Streets of New York Phoenix, AZ 7. Angelo Manuel Gonzales III 6. "Your" Pizza Shop Akron, OH F O L L O W US H ER E ! @pizzatoday @pizzatoday @pizzatoday 9 0 / P I Z Z AT O D AY. C O M / S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 5 7.http://www.PIZZATODAY.COM