dough doctor with TOM LEHMANN Back to Basics Create pan and thin-crust pizza with easy measurements Can you help us develop a dough for a pan-style pizza as well as a thin-crust pizza based on 12.5 kilograms of flour? Additionally, can you show us how to make a pre-mix out of the dough formula? A: While you don't provide any specific information on the types of pizzas you want to make aside from pan style and thin crust, I will show how this is done using what I feel are generic formulas for both the pan style and thin-crust pizzas. I will also make the assumption that these pizzas will be baked in a deck oven as opposed to an air impingement oven. 2 6 / P I Z Z AT O D AY. C O M / J A N UA R Y 2 0 1 7 Typical Pan Pizza Formula: Flour: (11.4 to 12.8 percent protein content) 100 percent Salt: 1.75 percent Sugar: 2 percent Shortening: (butter, margarine, lard, etc.) 4 percent Note: Oil may also be used if desired at 4 percent Yeast: Active Dry Yeast/ADY at .5 percent or Instant Dry Yeast/IDY at .4 percent or Compressed Yeast/CY at 1 percent Water: 58 percent (variable) Now we need to convert those percentages into actual ingredient weights. Here is how it's done using your handy calculator: Enter the flour weight that you want to use. In this case it will be 12.5 kilograms. and then press "X" then enter the percent showing the ingredient that you want the weight for and press the "%" key and read the answer in the display. Here is how that looks for the above formula: Flour: 12.5 kilograms Salt: 12.5 x 1.75 press the "%" key and read 0.218 kilograms Sugar: 12.5 x 2 press the "%" key and read 0.250 kilograms Shortening: 12.5 x 4 press the "%" key and read 0.500 kilograms Yeast: (ADY: 12.5 x 0.5 press the By RICK DAUGHERTYhttp://www.PIZZATODAY.COM