knead to know TAKING THE NEXT STEP Once you understand your core ingredients, you can step into variations F lour, water, salt and yeast are the basic ingredients of pizza dough. Mastery of these fundamental components can produce exemplary results and has served Neapolitan pizza makers very well for centuries. Over time bakers have developed alternative methods and formulas that add variations of texture and flavor to their bread. Pizza makers are now adapting these variations to produce crusts of character and versatility. Selecting the correct options and understanding what each variation adds to the finished product will set you apart from the competition. Oil or fat is the most common additive to pizza dough. Oil will tenderize dough, making it more workable and giving the finished pizza a softer chew. Oil can improve the color of the finished pizza. Depending on the selection and quality of the oil you choose, oil can be a great flavor enhancer. Most 2 6 / P I Z Z AT O D AY. C O M / A P R I L 2 0 1 7 with JOHN ARENAhttp://www.PIZZATODAY.COM