The Marketplace Dessert Pizza Be Inspired. Be Creative. Be Original. TM In the past two years, Nutella® as a dessert option on the menu has increased 5% within Pizza/Italian limited & full service restaurants. Source: Technomic's MenuMonitor Q4 2015-2017 Pizza Dough Twists with Nutella® VISIT US AT BOOTH #212 AND TRY SOME GREAT NUTELLA® RECIPES! For exciting recipe ideas and to learn more about Nutella®, visit, or call (800) 408-1505 for more information. SeeFerrero_PIZ_0218.indd us at International1 Pizza Expo® Booth 212 © Ferrero 2018 Ferrero S.p.A. 1/11/18 7:59 AM Equipment for Sale 786-600-4687 TOLL FREE: 844-218-8477 MVPGROUPCORP.COM SALES@MVPGROUPCORP.COM SeeMVP_PIZ_0217.indd us at International Pizza Expo® Booth 2526 1 102 / P I Z Z AT O D AY. C O M / F E B R UA R Y 2 0 1 8 1/10/17 2:24 PM http://www.MVPGROUPCORP.COM http://www.PIZZATODAY.COM