Knead To Know JOHN ARENA New York-Style Pizza Dough A look at the most popular dough style in America I t is estimated that 70 percent of the pizza consumed nationally is based on the New York-style pizza that evolved in response to the product's equipment and cultural differences that Neapolitan immigrants encountered when they settled in New 2 6 / P I Z Z AT O D AY. C O M / S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 8 York over 100 years ago. The result of that adaptation is a pizza that, for many, sets the standard as America's gift to the pizza landscape. Until recently the prevailing wisdom was that excellent New York-style dough could only be made in New York. Theories about water, climate, altitude and other variables combined with a sprinkling of myth and pseudo-science to create legend that was repeated as truth. Spurred on by industry leaders such as Tony Gemignani, the craft of pizza JOSH KEOWNhttp://www.PIZZATODAY.COM