PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 17

Finding the Right Pet for You and Your Family

Jill Riester
and Daisy

When you're getting
ready to bring a new
pet into your home,
consider the following:
Your activity levels.
Will you be able to keep
up with a high-energy
animal, or are you better off with a less active
pet such as a cat or
guinea pig?
How often you are
home. If you're gone for
long periods every day,
a dog might not be for
you. Think about more
independent pets.
Whether anyone in
your home has allergies.
If you have the
financial resources to
properly care for the pet.
If you have the time
to care for and train the
pet properly.
Whether young
children in your home
can be taught to be
respectful of the animal.
What kind of pets
your housing allows.
If you can commit
to taking care of this
animal for its lifetime.

Tennessee. A recent
recipient of a kidney
Marty Becker,
transplant, Jerrica
D.V.M., author of The
credits Ellie, her
Healing Power of Pets,
"It's hard to be
5-year-old Yorkie, for
points out that the
getting her up and
key is the intimacy
negative when
moving. "I try to be
that comes with pet
this sweet litt le
as healthy and proacownership. "You
creature just
tive as I can because
have to have close
wants to make
I couldn't bear it if
physical contact
you happy."
something happened
to get most of the
to me and she was
beneficial hormonal
left alone," she says.
reactions. When
you stroke a pet for
even a short time,
you get a release of
hormones: Oxytocin
"If you are walking
is the hug hormone;
down a sidewalk,
serotonin is the
you might wave to
happy hormone;
someone you pass. If
that person is walkis a natural stimuing a dog, you are
"Ellie goes
lant. The pet gets
much more likely
the same hormonal
to stop and engage,"
wit h me, even
response from these
says Gretchen Carlinteractions, so it's
isle, Ph.D., research
to doctors'
like a love loop."
scientist at the
Jill Riester, 65, of
University of MisLansing, Kansas,
souri College of Vetwas diagnosed with PKD at age 23
erinary Medicine. "Dogs are a social
and has since had a kidney translubricant, and they tend to encourplant. She can attest to the calming
age communication."
power of pets. The owner of a 6-yearold golden retriever named Daisy
reports, "When she is next to me on
Larianne says her dogs keep her
the sofa and I am petting her, I calm
moving. "When I put my tennis
down immediately."
shoes on, they get so excited. They
The pet doesn't have to be furry
start jumping and run to the back
to get this effect, however. A 2015
door! If I am leaving the house for
study published in the journal Envia workout, I have to put my shoes
ronment and Behavior showed that
on in the car, as they assume we are
just watching fish in an aquarium
going for a W-A-L-K," she says. "Every
is associated with "greater reductime I come home, the mastiff greets
tions in heart rate, greater increases me with a large tennis ball to throw
in self-reported mood, and
for him."
higher interest."
Says Jill: "Even when it's snowing in Kansas, I still have a dog who
has to go outside at least a couple
of times a day. There is no way I can
"I need her and she needs me," says
stay in bed all day!"
Jerrica Dunn, 29, of Manchester,


P K D C U R E .O R G



PKD Life - Summer 2020

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of PKD Life - Summer 2020

PKD Life - Summer 2020 - Cover1
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - Cover2
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - Contents
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 2
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 3
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 4
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 5
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 6
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 7
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 8
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 9
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 10
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 11
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 12
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 13
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 14
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 15
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 16
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 17
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 18
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 19
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 20
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 21
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 22
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 23
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 24
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 25
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 26
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 27
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 28
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - Cover3
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - Cover4