PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 7


health, [and] it's going to
benefit their kidney health,"
Majorowicz says. "Between
moderating their protein
intake, getting lots of fruits
and vegetables, and no longer
discouraging whole grains ...
essentially the diets are the
same ... in the earlier stages
of kidney disease." Drinking
at least 3 liters of fluid daily is
also crucial.

New preliminary guidelines
released this year relax some
of the older recommendations, making
it easier to combine
a renal diet with a
cardiac or diabetes
diet. Potassium and
phosphorus restrictions are no longer
recommended for
everyone, which
- Rachael Majorowicz, R.D.N.
makes fruits, vegetables, dairy products,
and whole grains accessible
to many people with PKD,
Some things remain the
especially in the later stages
same for patients on
of kidney disease.
dialysis: Fluids are usu"If a patient's blood values
ally restricted, and protein
of potassium and phosphorus needs increase. But with the
are becoming elevated, we
new guidelines, limits on
take a look at what people
potassium and phosphorus
are eating and make sure
again have been relaxed.
that they're not overdoing
"We do try to keep their
things, but we really don't
diets as liberal as possible
restrict them before then,"
once someone gets to endMajorowicz says. "They
stage kidney disease and not
should be eating lots of fruits
restrict things until the perand vegetables to get their
son really needs to," Majoronutrition from them-these
wicz says. "As their kidney
are all lower-sodium foods,
function declines further and
and they're full of lots of
potassium and phosphorus
good vitamins."
levels start to rise, then we
The new guidelines still
do need to have those conrecommend that patients
versations about which foods
limit sodium and protein,
patients are choosing."
which combines well with a
cardiac or diabetes diet.
"Most people way overeat
meat. Getting people down
A registered dietitian who is
to a more moderate amount
experienced with kidney disis going to benefit their heart
ease can help you combine a

"We take a look at what
people are eating and

Summer Berry Smoothie

a cardiac diet, they're told
... more beans, nuts, seeds,
and things that are going to
be more plant-based, less on
the red meats, lots of whole
grains and things like that.
So between the three, it gets
really confusing."

This refreshing summer beverage from the Mayo
Clinic's Dan Abraham Healthy Living Center is low
in calories, carbs, potassium, and phosphorus.


¼ cup banana
¼ cup blueberries
¼ cup strawberries
¼ cup raspberries
3½ ounces unsweetened
apple juice
1 teaspoon honey


1 Place all ingredients in
a blender with ice.
2 Blend to desired consistency. If using frozen fruit,
less ice is needed.

make sure that they're

Makes two 6-ounce servings.

not overdoing things."

Nutrients per serving:

Peel and cut the
banana into
cubes before

77 calories; <1 g protein; 19 g carbohydrates; 0 g fat;
188 mg potassium; 19 mg phosphorus; 3 g sodium.

PKD diet with a cardiac or
diabetes diet, making suggestions to change what
you eat gradually rather
than abruptly.
"If we can work with
patients using a gradual,
stepwise approach, they
tend to do better and feel
less restricted and feel
like over time that they
can enjoy better options,"
Majorowicz says.


TO L E A R N M O R E A B O U T N U T R I T I O N A N D P K D, V I S I T P K D C U R E .O R G / N U T R I T I O N



PKD Life - Summer 2020

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of PKD Life - Summer 2020

PKD Life - Summer 2020 - Cover1
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - Cover2
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - Contents
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 2
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 3
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 4
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 5
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 6
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 7
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 8
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 9
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 10
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 11
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 12
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 13
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 14
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 15
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 16
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 17
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 18
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 19
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 20
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 21
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 22
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 23
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 24
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 25
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 26
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 27
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - 28
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - Cover3
PKD Life - Summer 2020 - Cover4