District Administration - September 2006 - (Page 36)
School of the Future T he $63 million project three THE FUTURE ARRIVES IN
WEST A partnership years in the making has been real- Philadelphia on
Sept. 7, a fi rst-of- i zed sporting three architecturally between it s-k
i nd building and concept in the distinct levels with an underground world
of how K-12 public school Microsoft and the performance center with two
rotat- should operate. i ng lecture halls; various green About 750 high
school students, School District school features including a water mostly
minority and living below catchment system so rainwater is poverty level,
will shuffle into The of Philadelphia collected and used for toilet water
High School of the Future, which and boilers; and a Flex Center where was
made possible through a part- brings about staff go for teacher training,
profes- nersh ip between Microsoft and the siona l collaboration and
project School District of Philadelphia. innovation development
activities. It is just the beginning. My hope is that people will see this
as a great model that can be replicated. James Nevels, chairman,
Philadelphia School Reform Commission BY ANGELA PASCOPELLA 36 September
2006 District Administration philly.w.indd 36 8/14/06 11:50:45 AM
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of District Administration - September 2006