District Administration - November 2008 - (Page 57)
Leadership assessMeNT on Assessment Assessing and evaluating school boards and superintendents are vital to meeting district goals. Turning the Tables First oF a two-part series By ChuCk Namit Formative assessmeNts are CruCial For maNagiNg all areas of a district—and not just for students but even for the leaders themselves. a school district leadership team is comprised of the school board, forming the governance team, and the superintendent, who is the leader of the management team. But how does the school board track progress toward goals? how does the public know whether the board and superintendent are fulfilling their roles effectively? as a child, my mother would let me throw boiled spaghetti noodles on the refrigerator door to see if they would stick—a sign that the noodles were cooked. unfortunately, school boards and administrators often throw up self-assessment and evaluation instruments in a similar fashion, to see what sticks or what's effective. But there's another way. www.DistrictAdministration.com November 2008 57
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of District Administration - November 2008