Internet Postage Is Is Here What a charge for ensuring You've got
legitimate mail means for colleges and universities By Joe Dysart T HE
EMAIL MARKETING COMMUNITY is still quaking over recently announced plans
by an incentive to send less of it, which means less mail in America
Online and Yahoo to begin charging your inbox. On the other hand, if
businesses are sure internet postage for optional preferred e-mail
service, that their mail will get through, they can more effec- which
would enable company e-mails to breeze past tively reach their customers
with important news and the spam filters of the two e-mail service
providers. information. Everybody wins. This is good for consumers and
businesses, says Under AOL's plan, every message sent as preferred e- Ted
Leonsis, AOL's vice chairman. If e-mail costs a mail would be charged a
fee of between one-quarter little money to send, then legitimate companies
have May 2006 | 77 InternetPost.indd 77 4/24/06
12:47:45 PM
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of University Business - May 2006